KARACHI: Despite arrival of next generation technologies, the internet is yet to make a difference in remote indigenous communities and businesses then satellite broadband service providers continued to gain market share in far-off regions.

In this regard, YahClick, a UAE based satellite broadband internet company having coverage in 28 countries launched its Ka-band satellite broadband services in Pakistan last year partnering with Super Net and Click Sat.

Talking to Daily Times, Regional Director at Yahsat, Sajid Mangrio said satellite broadband services can ensure its customers are connected in every nook and corner of the country without any issue of network deployment. ‘China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one of the major targets in the future as corporation to participate in the development of the economic corridor will need a fast and reliable satellite broadband service’.

Mangrio said that satellite broadband is not competing with terrestrial broadband service operators or Telecom operators but rather bridge the gap where there is no connectivity or connectivity is unreliable.

The service is basically created for enterprises and growing businesses as it provides a high-speed, always-on connection that gives instant access to resources that are critical for success. The service is ideal for businesses that require reliable broadband internet connectivity to support email, web access and various business applications, as well as a back up solution for existing terrestrial Internet during network failures.

A small 74 cm satellite dish, about the same size as a satellite TV dish and a modem is required to connect the computer to the internet with a high-speed connection through satellites.

“Currently , we are focusing on enterprises users as its a bit expensive for individual use, however, with the growing penetration it will available for general public with relatively low prices in near future’, said Mangrio.

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